As there are 60 seconds in a minute, there are 1/60th of a minute in one second.
1 minute = 60 seconds
1 minute
You can take the absolute value of any other value regardless of the unit of measurement (such as minutes). In other words |1 minute| is 1 minute and |-1 minute| is 1 minute. Are you asking a fitness question?
To find the percentage of 1 second in 1 minute, you need to first convert both to the same unit. Since there are 60 seconds in 1 minute, 1 second is 1/60th of a minute. To express this as a percentage, you would calculate (1/60) * 100% = 1.67%. Therefore, 1 second is 1.67% of 1 minute.
1 minute is 60 seconds.
1 minute = 1/60 hours.
No,60 equals to 1 minute.
1 minute = 60 seconds
1 minute = 1/60 degrees.
There is exactly 1 minute in a minute. There is 0.01666... recurring hours in 1 minute.
1 minute is equal to 60,000 milliseconds.