81.402 in expanded form using the powers of ten = (8 x 10^1) + (1 x 10^0) + (4/10^1) + (0/10^2) + (2/10^3)
6000 + 100 + 20 + 5
3,264 = (3 x 10^4) + (0 x 10^3) + (2 x 10^2) + (6 x 10^1) + (4 x 10^0)
The correct answer is "expanded form".
68.1049 in expanded notation using exponential form is (6 x 101) + (8 x 100) + (1/101) + (0/102) + (4/103) + (9/104)
2430090 = 2000000 + 400000 + 30000 + 90 in expanded form
2000000 + 100000
2000000 + 100000 + 60000 + 3000
2000000 + 30000 + 5000 + 4
2672400 = 2000000 + 600000 + 70000 + 2000 + 400
8.7329 x 10e3
10000000 + 2000000 + 300000 + 70000 + 9000 + 2
50000000 + 2000000 + 800000 + 90000 + 6000 + 80 + 7
2,000,000 = (2 x 106) + (0 x 105) + (0 x 104) + (0 x 103) + (0 x 102) + (0 x 101) + (0 x 100)