There are 4 quarters in 1 dollar. To calculate the number of quarters in 1 and 3/4, you first convert 1 dollar to quarters (4 quarters), then add the additional 3 quarters for a total of 7 quarters in 1 and 3/4 dollars.
3/4 OF 1095 means 3/4 TIME 1095. To do the multiplication, multiply the number (1095 in this case) with 3, then divide the result by 4.
The idea is to divide one by -3 in this case.
.375 you divide 8 into 3
Multiply 24 by 3 and divide the answer by 8...
1 and 7/8
3 eigths of 64 = 24
9-3 and seven eigths = 6
Yes because if you divide 1 by 3 it will be 0.333333333333333333 (infinity) and if you divide 5 by 8 it will be 0.625 if the decimal value is farther to zero, it is lower and if it is closer to 0, it is higher.
1 3/8.
a quarter is a fourth (1/4). 3 quarters is 3/4 = 0.75 Think of money: 3 quarters is 75 cents (0.75). To find three quarters of some number, mulitply by 3, then divide by 4 Or you can multiply by 0.75
15/8 or 1 and 7/8