

6 B 2 an O in C?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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6 balls to an over in cricket

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6 b to an o and c?

6 Balls to an Over in Cricket

What is 6 B in a O in C?

6 balls to an over in cricket

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3rd Rock from the Sun - 1996 B-D-O-C- 6-7 was released on: USA: 12 December 2000

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6 b in a O

6 how many b to an o in c?

How many bowls to an over in cricket. There are 6 bowls in an over in cricket.

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The Cleveland Show - 2009 B-M-O-C- 3-18 is rated/received certificates of: Netherlands:6

What is the diameter of a triangle?

I assume that the "diameter of a triangle" means the diameter of the smallest circle containing it. Assume the triangle has sides a, b and c and angles A, B and C (where angle A is opposite side a etc.). Calculate angle A from the law of cosines. Then: a^2 = b^2 +c^2 - 2*b*c*cos(A) so: A = arccos((b^2 + c^2 - a^2)/(2*b*c)) -------------------(1) Then, using the usual construction for finding the center, O, of the circumscribed circle (i.e. a perpendicular bisectors of each side is constructed and all three meet at point O) we can draw the radius from O to A. This will divide angle A into two smaller angles (in some cases one angle will be larger than A and the other will be negative, but they will still add up to angle A). Using simple trigonometric formulas we can calculate angle A by adding the two together. The result then is: A = arccos(b/(2*r)) + arccos(c/(2*r)) -----------------------------(2) If we then equate the right hand sides of (1) and (2) we get an equation involving a, b, c and r. These can be solved to find r in terms of a,b and c. I used the easy way using Maple and got the result shown below. r = abs[sqr(-b^4+2*b^2*c^2+2*b^2*a^2-c^4+2*c^2*a^2-a^4)*a*c*b]/ [ b^4-2*b^2*c^2-2*b^2*a^2+c^4-2*c^2*a^2+a^4] The diameter is, of course, 2*r. This answer checks the cases for an equilateral triangle and for a 3,4,5 right triangle, each of which is easy to do by much simpler methods.

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The O-C- - 2003 The Chrismukkah That Almost Wasn't 2-6 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:PG USA:TV-PG

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