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For $2 fare, 800 people will ride. For 10c more, at $2.10, only 790 will ride. For $2.20, only 780 will ride, and so on. To come up with the individual fare, then, use the point-slope formula: y - y1 = m(x - x1). Since m = 10/10 = 1, and the fare is $2 for each for 800 people, then y - 200 = x - 800, or y = x - 600. Thus, you get xy = x(x - 600) = x2 - 600x cents, or x2 - 6 dollars, depending on how much you charge.

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Q: A commuter railway has 800 passengers a day and charges each one 2 dollars. For each 10 cents the fair is increased 10 fewer people will ride the train. What is the income you get from the train?
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