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Q: A number that describes a part or a set of part of a whole that is divided into equal parts?
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What is a number that describes a part of a set of a part of a whole that is divided into equal parts called?

A number that describes a part of a set of a part of a whole that is divided into parts is called a fraction. The numerator shows a number of equal parts. The denominator shows how many parts make a whole.

A number that describes a part of a set of a part of a whole that is divided into equal parts?

A fraction.

A number that describes a part or a set of a part of a whole that is divided into equal parts?


What makes a number even or odd?

An even number is a number that can be equally divided into two parts, an odd number, however, can not be divided into two equal parts,.

Break 24 into three equal parts?

24 divided by 3 = 8. To break something into equal parts, just divide the big number by the number of parts you need. If it were break 48 into 6 equal parts, it would be 48 divided by 6 = 8. I hope this could help!

What is 21 divided in to 3 equal parts?

21 divided in to 3 equal parts = 7

Why are odd number called odd number?

The word "even" is used to describe numbers which can be divided into two equal parts: that is, parts that will balance evenly. A number which cannot be so divided (in terms of whole numbers) is odd.

What is 1 meter divided into 1000 equal parts?

1 meter divided into 1000 equal parts = 0.001

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A meter is divided into 100 equal parts called millimeters true or false?

This is a false statement because a meter is divided into 100 equal parts called centimeters and not millimeters. However, a meter can be divided into 1000 equal parts and these are called millimeters.

Which expression represents a number n divided into eight equal parts plus three?

n/8 + 3

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