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Q: A relation in which element of the domain is paired with exactly one element of the range?
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A relation in which each element of the domain is paired with exactly one element of the range?

A relation where each element of the domain is paired with only one element of the range is a one to one function. A one to one function may also be an onto function if all elements of the range are paired.

When each member of a relation domain is paired with exactly one member of the range the relation is?


What is function and relation?

All functions are relations with the condition that each element of the domain is paired with only one element of the range. A relation is any pairing of numbers from the domain to the range.

A relation in which every domain value is paired with exactly one range value?


What is the mathematical meaning of a relation which is used in functions?

A relation is simply a collection of ordered pairs. That is, a relation is a pairing of an element from one set with an element from another set.A function is a special type of relation. In a function, each element from the first set (or domain) is paired with exactly one element from the second set (or range). That is, no domain element is used more than once.I will solve all your math problems. Check my profile for more info.

What is relations function?

All functions are relations with the condition that each element of the domain is paired with only one element of the range. A relation is any pairing of numbers from the domain to the range.

A relation in which each element of the input is paired with exactly the one element of the output according to a specific rule?

Is called "function".

Why is the vertical line test used to determine if a graph represents a function?

The definition of a function is "A relation in which exactly one element of the range is paired with each element of the domain." This means that in the relationship of a function, each range element (x value) can only have one domain element (y value). If you draw a vertical line and it crosses your graph twice, then you can see that your x value has two y values, which is not a function.

What is a relation in which each element of the first set is paired with exactly one element of the second set?

If every element of the first set is paired with exactly one element of the second set, it is called an injective (or one-to-one) function.An example of such a relation is below.Let f(x) and x be the set R (the set of all real numbers)f(x)= x3, clearly this maps every element of the first set, x, to one and only one element of the second set, f(x), even though every element of the second set is not mapped to.

What is a relation in which each first coordinate is paired with exactly one second coordinate?

Those conditions satisfy the conditions of a function.

When is a relation also a function?

A relation is also a function if each member of the domain (or x-coordinate) is paired with only one member of the range (or y-coordinate). If the relation is a set of ordered pairs that consists of real numbers a graph can be created to visualize the relation. If a vertical line can be drawn and only crosses or intersects the graph at one point then the relation is also a function.

All of the electrons in this element are spin-paired?

The element has an even number of electrons since they are all spin-paired. This suggests the element is likely in a diamagnetic state, where all the electrons are paired and the material is weakly repelled by a magnetic field.