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An ISOSCELES Triangle is two equal sides and two equal angles.

A RIGHT-ANGLED Triangle has ONE right angle (90 degrees)

A SCALENE Triangle has neither equal sides nor equal angles.

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A triangle with three equal angles is an equilateral triangle.

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Q: A triangle with all equal angles is called?
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A polygon where all angles are congruent is called what?

Equiangular. It is NOT regular unless all the sides are also equal and, unlike in a triangle, that does not follow from the angles being equal.

What is a triangle with 1 right angle called?

A Right- Angled triangle. Also Equilatertal ; the three sides are of equal length, and the three angles are all 60 degrees. Isosceles ; two sides of equal lnegth, and two angles of equal size. Scalene ; all three sides are unequal in length, and all three angles are different. In all cases the sum on the three interior angles equals 180 degrees.

What are the classification of triangle according to sides and angles?

Classification of Triangles According to anglesIf one angle of a triangle is a right angle (90°), then it is called a Right triangle. Note that the other two angles are acute.If all the angles of a triangle are acute (less than 90°), then it is called an acute angled triangle.If one angle of a triangle is obtuse (greater than 90°), then it is called an obtuse triangle. Note that the other two angles are acute.According to sides:If any two sides of a triangle are equal, then it is called an Isosceles Triangle. In ABC, AB = AC ABC is isosceles.If all the three sides of a triangle are equal, then it is an Equilateral Triangle. In ABC, AB = BC = CA ABC is equilateral.If no two sides of a triangle are equal, then it is called a Scalene Triangle. In ABC, AB BC CA. ABC is scalene.

What is the definition to acute triangle?

A triangle, all of whose angles are acute.A triangle, all of whose angles are acute.A triangle, all of whose angles are acute.A triangle, all of whose angles are acute.

What is a triangle with all acute angles and exactly two congruent sides?

By Definition, a triangle with two Congruent Sides is an Isosceles Triangle. For ALL angles to be Acute, that is, LESS than 90o , the two opposite angles must be greater than 45o. Remember that the SUM of the angles in a Triangle must equal 180o.

Related questions

What do you call a triangles that have three congruent sides all angles are acute?

That is called an equilateral triangle. An equilateral (equal sides) triangle is also equiangular (equal angles), so it follows that all angles are 60 degrees.That is called an equilateral triangle. An equilateral (equal sides) triangle is also equiangular (equal angles), so it follows that all angles are 60 degrees.That is called an equilateral triangle. An equilateral (equal sides) triangle is also equiangular (equal angles), so it follows that all angles are 60 degrees.That is called an equilateral triangle. An equilateral (equal sides) triangle is also equiangular (equal angles), so it follows that all angles are 60 degrees.

What is a triangle right equilateral scalene isosceles?

A triangle in which one angle is equal to 90o is called a right triangle. A triangle in which all sides are equal (or) all the angles are equal to 60o is called an equilateral triangle. A triangle in which any two sides or any two angles are equal is called an isosceles triangle. A triangle in which all the sides or angles are different is called a scalene triangle.

What is a triangle that has all its sides and angles equal called?


A triangle in which all of the angles are equal?

A triangle in which all angles are equal is an equiangular triangle. In the case of a triangle, being equiangular also implies that it is equilateral and the more common common name for such a triangle is an equilateral triangle.

A triangle with all sides and angles equal in length?

It's called an "equilateral" triangle.

What 3 dimensional shape has all sides and angles that are different?

A three dimensional shape (triangle) in which all the sides and all the angles are different is called an "Scalene Triangle" There are 3 types of triangles: 1. Equilateral triangle - all 3 sides equal all 3 angles equal (i.e., 60 each) 2. Isosceles triangle - 2 sides equal 2 angles equal 3. Scalene triangle - no sides equal no angles equal

Do a triangle have equal sides?

Yes and that special triangle is called an equilateral triangle. Incidentally all its angles are also equal to 60 degrees.

What is the angle of a triangle with 3 equal sides?

A triangle where all three sides are equal is called an equilateral triangle. The sum of all three angles in any triangle is 180 degrees, and since equal sides means equal angles, three equal angles totaling 180 degrees; each angle must be 60 degrees.

What must be true of the side lengths in order to build a triangle with three angles measuring 60 degrees what kind of triangle is this?

In a triangle, if all of the angles are 60 degrees, then all three sides of the triangle are equal to each other. Basically, if the angles are equal than the sides must be equal. This kind of triangle is called an equilateral triangle.

Why don't scalene triangles have congruent angles?

If all of the angles of a triangle are equal, then it's called an "equilateral" triangle. That's why a scalene triangle can't have three equal angles. For the same reason, dogs don't have wheels. If they did, they'd be called "bicycles", not "dogs".

What are all the three triangles called?

Equilateral: equal sides and angles(60 degrees) Isosceles: two equal sides and angles Scalene: no equal sides or angles right triangle: has a 90 degree angle in it obtuse triangle: has an obtuse angle in it acute triangle: is made up of all acute angles

A polygon where all angles are congruent is called what?

Equiangular. It is NOT regular unless all the sides are also equal and, unlike in a triangle, that does not follow from the angles being equal.