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1 knot = 1 nautocal mile per hour.

So 428 nm @ 20 knots per hour will take 428/20 = 21.4 hours.

After 12 hours, it is 20*12 = 240 nautical miles away.

Its distance East is 240*cos(1.4deg) = 239.9 nautical miles and

its distance South is 240*sin(1.4deg) = 5.9 nautical miles.

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Q: A yacht leaves a dock at a bearing of S 1.4 degrees E and a speed of 20 knots over 428 nautical-miles. a. How long will it take the yacht to make the trip b. How far east and south is it after 12hr?
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What is 57 knots in Km per Hour?

1 knots = 1.852022 kilometres 57 knots = 105.565254 kilometres

How long to travel 902 nautical miles at 7 knots per hour?

Knots (not Knots per hour) are nautical miles per hour. So the answer is 902 divided by 7 which is 128.86 hours

What is faster 40 km h 28mi h or 19 knots h?

the answer is 28mi h

How did the egyptians used the knotted rope to measure right triangles?

It is believed that they used a piece of rope, in the form of a loop, with 12 knots that were equidistant. If knots 1, 4 and 8 were attached to pegs and stretched out, they made a triangle of sides 3, 4 and 5. Then since 32 + 42 = 52, the pegs formed a right angle. Increasing the length of the rope and so the distance between the knots improved the accuracy. Note that the longest side goes from knot 8 to knot 13 which is actually knot 1.

How long would it take a helicopter to travel 93 miles?

It all depends upon which helicopter you mean: 1 knot ≈ 1.15 mph A Wessex helicopter had a max speed of 115 knots, meaning it could cover 93 miles in 93 ÷ (115 x 1.15) x 60 mins ≈ 42.16 mins A Wasp helicopter had a max speed of 120 knots, meaning it could cover 93 miles in 93 ÷ (120 x 1.15) x 60 mins ≈ 40.41 mins A Sea King helicopter had a max speed of 125 knots, meaning it could cover 93 miles in 93 ÷ (125 x 1.15) x 60 mins ≈ 38.79 mins A Lynx helicopter had a max speed of 160 knots, meaning it could cover 93 miles in 93 ÷ (160 x 1.15) x 60 mins ≈ 30.31 mins Those figures are from pre 1980. A Lynx in 1986 reached 249.1 mph, meaning it could cover 93 miles in 93 ÷ 249.1 x 60 mins ≈ 22.40 mins An unofficial record of 299 mph by a Sikorsky X2 (compound helicopter) in 2010 means it could cover 93 miles in 93 ÷ 299 x 60 mins ≈ 18.66 mins