

An algebra example

Updated: 4/28/2022
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16y ago

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an example of an algebra equation would be: 1/3(15+6a)4 read out loud would be: one-third times the quantity of 15 plus six A times 4. this is a basic algebra problem. very easy

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In algebra, a quotient is the answer to a division problem. For example, in "8 divided by 4 equals 2," 2 is the quotient.

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An algebra expression is 2 or more terms which does not contain an equality sign as for example 2x+y-3z

What other math uses algebra?

more than one math uses algebra for example polynomials also use algebra and you can use algebra to figure out your pay for a year or to figure out your yearly interest on the amount you put in your savings account.

Would algebra in algebra class be capitalized?

No, "algebra" would not be capitalized unless it is the first word in a sentence or part of a title (e.g., "Algebra 1 Class").

Can you explain algebra?

Algebra is using variables such as x to solve a problem. One example is x+3=8 in which x equals 5.