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a stop sign has eight sides. ten times eight is eighty, therefore the awenser is eighty inches

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Q: Area of a stop sign if the measure of a side is 10 inches?
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The length of a sign is 4 inches more than the width The area is 45 square inches Identify the length and width of the sign?

9 and 5

If the length of a sign is 4 inches more thqn the width and the area is 45 square inches what is the length and width of the sign?

9" x 5"

How do you find the area of a stop sign?

Measure one side of the stop sign, and call it Bob. The area is approximately Bob times Bob times 4.828427. - - -- --- Some boring math people might say it like this: A=2(1+√2)s2

How do you find the dimensions of an 84 inch traffic sign?

One dimension is 84 inches. For the others, you would need to measure the sign.

Each side of a hexagonal sign is 8 inches long what is the perimeter of the sign?

Can't you multiply 8 by 6?

Would you measure a stop sign in yards or inches?

Inches. Most are less than a yard. As most road sign standards and conventions describe signs in terms of inches and/or millimeters, I personally would not use yard measurements and would use inches.

What unit of measure would you use to measure the area of stop sign?

Square feet. ************************* I would use centimetres to give the area in square centimetres.

If a square sign has an area of approximately 158 feet What is the approximate length of one side of the sign?

Seeing as the area = 158 = the length of 1 side squared. One side = the square root of 158 = about 12.5698 feet

What side of a check do I sign?

Unless there is a designated area for you to endorse a check, it doesn't matter which side of the check you sign. However, as a rule of thumb, when you are looking at your check right-side up, just flip it, and sign the left side.

Do you have to put the square or cubic sign after inches and centimeters?

You have to put the square sign when you use area and the cubic sign when you use volume. Area= Length times Width Volume= Length times Width times Height

What is the sign for inches?

inches = in = "if you mean sign " is used to describe inches

What are the measurements on an average yard sign?

The measurements of a smaller size yard sign is eighteen inches by twelve inches. An average larger size yard sign is twenty-seven inches by eighteen inches.