it would depend on the size of the sink, but most average sinks would be able to hold three gallons of water :)
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Algebra is used in every aspect of every type of engineering. If I were designing a water canal, I would have to consider slope, cross sectional area, flow rates. If I were engineering a road, I would have to calculate the volume of gravel and asphalt per unit of length and multiply them for the whole road. I would have to calculate labor rates and percentages of sick days for the crew. Seriously, every type of engineering requires algebra so often that we don't even think about most of it.
ASTRONOMYBIOLOGYBUSINESSChemistryconstructionconsumereconomicseducationenvironmentfinancegeometrygovernmenthealth/life scienceslaborMiscellaneousPhysicsSports/ entertainmentStatistics/ demographicsTechnologyTransportationASTRONOMYAstronomer use math all the time. One way it is used is when we look at objects in the sky with a telescope. The camera that is attached to the telescope basically records a series of numbers - those numbers might correspond to how much light different objects in the sky are emitting, what type of light, etc. In order to be able to understand the information that these numbers contain, we need to use math and statistics to interpret them. Another way that astronomers use math is when they are forming and testing theories for the physical laws that govern the objects in the sky. Imagine you're on a spaceship in orbit around the moon. You have a fuel leak and are running out of power. When do you fire the ship's thrusters, and for how long and in what direction, in order to be able to return to Earth safely? Also, in addition to flying and maneuvering a spacecraft, astronauts are often involved in conducting scientific experiments aboard the spacecraft, which would involve math in other ways too.BIOLOGYAlgebraic biology applies the algebraic methods of symbolic computation to the study of biological problems, especially in genomics, proteomics, analysis of molecular structures and study of genes. Computations in the field of biology are done in order to simulate experiments and/or calculate features of a biologic process or structure. Such as for example calculating mathematical predictions of intercellular features, cellular interaction, body reaction to chemicals and analysis of heritage. In recent years, methods from algebra, algebraic geometry, and discrete mathematics have found new and unexpected applications in systems biology as well as in statistics, leading to the emerging new fields of "algebraic biology" and "algebraic statistics." Furthermore, there are emerging applications of algebraic statistics to problems in biology. This year-long program will provide a focus for the further development and maturation of these two areas of research as well as their interconnections. The unifying theme is provided by the common mathematical tool set as well as the increasingly close interaction between biology and statistics.BusinessBusiness in mathematics involves a lot of arithmetic, algebra ang geometry. But major portion is of mathematics that is found in business in algebra. Getting off to a good start is the goal of understanding this topic. You may be looking for the answers to some deep and dark mathematical secrets. This topic helps you light the way toward realizing that the basic math algebra involved in business was never meant to be a secret. We might not see the relevance in some mathematical processes. Most of the math in business is not compartmentalized into one section or another. Fractions and decimals are found in all application. Proportions and percentages are rampant. Measurements are necessary for many different business processes. In other words, the math in business involves computation shared by all different aspects. The main trick in doing the math is to know when to apply what.ChemistryFirst, algebra is applied in everything we do. Algebra can be applied to chemistry in many ways: to manipulate equations and solve for a problem. For example, here is a gas equation from chemistry PV=nRT. P is the pressure (in atm), V is the volume (in L), n is the moles, R is a constant (.082059 L*atm mol-1 K-1), and T is the temperature (in K). In recent years computer algebra techniques and symbolic computation systems have found increasing use for solving problems in chemistry and for chemistry education.Let's say you are given all the information and need to find the temperature, and this is where algebra comes into play: T= PV/nR . You can complete General Chemistry as well as Organic Chemistry with only algebra under your belt.EconomicsAlgebra includes examples that demonstrate the foundation operations of matrix algebra and illustrations of using the algebra for a variety of economic problems.The authors present the scope and basic definitions of matrices, their arithmetic and simple operations, and describe special matrices and their properties, including the analog of division. They provide in-depth coverage of necessary theory and deal with concepts and operations for using matrices in real-life situations. They discuss linear dependence and independence, as well as rank, canonical forms, generalized inverses, eigenroots, and vectors. Topics of prime interest to economists are shown to be simplified using matrix algebra in linear equations, regression, linear models, linear programming, and Markov chains.ConstructionWe use algebra in construction to figure square footage, cubic footage, and angles when building, you can use it to tell how many feet, sg units, sg feet, the perimeter, the area, all of them. Its is important, for example, in deciding how much material they need they will have to do some rough calculations. Mathematics in algebra is used by construction workers in many ways. When setting out a site, mathematics is used to get the dimensions correct. It is also used calculating the amount of materials to order, and when cutting materials to size. Very few tasks do not involve some use of mathematics.ConsumerConsumer Math provides a basic understanding of the fundamental math life skills needed after graduation. Course content includes the following topics: pay (earning money, gross pay, net pay, deductions), banking (checking and savings accounts), taxes, budgeting, food purchase, clothing purchase, buying a car, use of credit cards, public transportation, renting an apartment, buying a home, insurance, investing (retirement, school expenses, emergencies) and the use of leisure time. Calculators are an integral part of instruction and are used during assessment. Various teaching methods are employed at the discretion of the instructor and I.E.P. to meet the needs of the student.EducationMathematics is every thing. No matter what you want to be in life mathematics is important as your breakfast, lunch and dinner. God used mathematics when creating the world if not it won't still be here after all this millions of years. Mathematics is the essentials of life. Take a good look at every thing you do each day, mathematics is involved. As all the students who had gone to grade school they already done discussing the basic math algebra. They encountered the simplest form until now. Math algebra is taught by teachers so students may be aware of the things around them. Like in buying, measuring and counting.Environment We see a diversity of waves in our everyday experience. Electromagnetic waves carry television and radio to our homes, ultrasound waves are used to monitor the growth of a baby in the mother's womb, and a variety of waves on the surfaces of rivers, lakes and oceans affect the coastal environment. Mathematical models help us understand these disparate phenomena.Until recently, critical questions about the mathematical theory for the existence of solutions for the equation were unresolved, and solution of this equation strained the resources of the most powerful completers. However, mathematical advances have now made its solution routine, allowing accurate predictions of wave evolution. Early numerical techniques to solve the equation were slow and cumbersome. But now, several efficient techniques exist which can yield reliable results.Not only has the mathematical theory of water waves helped us to understand and protect our environment, but its insights have also had a significant impact on technological development. Although the solitary wave is now well understood, other water waves still have mysterious effects on our environment and remain objects of active mathematical research.FinanceIt deals with money and what happens when you borrow money, open a savings account to earn interest, or retire. When it comes to money, as you may have learned, there are many people who want to take your money in various clever ways. There is a saying "a fool and his money are soon parted". Knowing financial theory would keep you with your money throughout your life. So do not skimp on this section!You can find here a collection of finance solvers related to middle school algebra. Of particular interest are the present value solver, mortgage duration calculator, mortgage payment calculator. There are many others to choose from, as well. You can also check comparing simple interest vs. compound interest, basics of mortgages, and explanation of present value vs. future value, and many more!GeometryAlgebraic geometry is a branch of mathematics which, as the name suggests, combines techniques of abstract algebra, especially commutative algebra, with the language and the problems of geometry. It occupies a central place in modern mathematics and has multiple conceptual connections with such diverse fields as complex analysis, topology and number theory. Initially a study of polynomial equations in many variables, the subject of algebraic geometry starts where equation solving leaves off, and it becomes at least as important to understand the totality of solutions of a system of equations, as to find some solution; this leads into some of the deepest waters in the whole of mathematics, both conceptually and in terms of technique.The fundamental objects of study in algebraic geometry are algebraic varieties, geometric manifestations of solutions of systems of polynomial equations. Plane algebraic curves, which include lines, circles, parabolas, lemniscates, and Cassini ovals, form one of the best studied classes of algebraic varieties. A point of the plane belongs to an algebraic curve if its coordinates satisfy a given polynomial equation. Basic questions involve relative position of different curves and relations between the curves given by different equations.PhysicsIt is important that I emphasize here that physics cannot be derived from mathematics alone. Let me back up a bit and fill in the holes. In order to understand fully a physical process, physicists try to derive the process from other more fundamental concepts. For example, in the early 1600's Johannes Kepler constructed a model of the solar system which he then used to predict the exact locations of planets with hitherto unheard-of precision. This is usually the first step in trying to understand a physical system--figure out HOW it works and then try to figure out WHY it works that way. It took Sir Isaac Newton's formulation of gravity to explain why Kepler's model works. And it took Newton's discovery of three fundamental ways that matter interacts to derive his theory of gravity. So, in the end, starting with Newton's three "rules," you can derive Kepler's model: The planets move the way they do because of gravity, and gravity works the way it does because it follows three basic rules or "laws" for forces. This is what we mean by deriving a complicated physical concept from more simple ones.TechnologyDefine technology, From the perspective of the classroom, technology can mean calculators, iPods, cell phones, Active Boards, computers, the internet, and on and on. Since the advent of machines that can start doing the things that kids are supposed to learn (spelling or addition) there has been a struggle with what to do by hand, and for how long to do it.As far as Algebra goes, the biggest topic of discussion is the graphing calculator. Those of us that were working on Head First Algebra all learned Algebra before graphing calculators existed, so when we sat down to write the book, there was a discussion about how much to include them. We decided (as a team, editors, authors and all) that the best way to go was to assume that students would and could use a basic calculator to do division and multiplication but NOT solving equations. After all, the point of studying Algebra is to learn how to do that yourself. Here's the problem. Just knowing that a calculator that exists that can solve an equation presents a giant motivational challenge. "Why do I need to know how to do that, if the calculator can?" Ugh. That is a perfectly reasonable and typical question out of anyone learning Algebra. Especially if they think that Algebra is just about solving for X. Because if that's all it is a calculator can do that.Health/life sciencesWe also use algebra in life sciences in looking for the exact nutrients we need in our body. Like in knowing how many milliliters is equivalent to 8 glass of water that we need in our body. Good health is one of those things that we don't really notice until we get sick or injured, and then we really miss it. Like mathematics, health consists of many components; we are going to explore a few of them.These mathematics activities focus on 1) assessing the nutritional value of fast food, 2) analyzing the numbers associated with our heart, and 3) looking at how medicines affect our bodies over time. Our heart plays an important role in your health. The heart moves oxygen and other nutrients to all the different parts of the body and helps carry away the waste products. Here are a few activities to get us thinking about our hearts. 1. Do you think your heart has beaten a billion times? 2. One's heart rate is usually reported in beats per minute. Take your pulse and figure out how many times your heart beats in 10 or 15 seconds. Use this to figure out your resting heart rate in beats per minute. 3. At this rate, how many times does your heart beat in one day? In these statements, it talks about the number of beats. Number there is referred to math.Statistics/ demographicsNon-technical explanations of methods, with worked examples, enable students without a background in algebra, calculus or statistics to learn demographic methods, for interpreting demographic data and indices. The attributes of people in a particular geographic area. Used for marketing purposes, population, ethnic origins, religion, spoken language, income and age range are examples of demographic data.These uses numbers and equations in solving those numbers.Includes techniques for analysis of population at regional and local, as well as national, scales - of particular interest to geographers and planners but usually omitted from demographic textsSports/ entertainmentto determine the amount of supplies needed to run the concession stand (based on prior attendance stats) to graph data and track trends collected from the competitions to calculate budgets and determine whether a team is operating in the red (debt) or in the black (profit)I can't really add to that save to point out two things:1) Algebra is not an isolated branch of maths, but the building-blocks for mathematics, because it abbreviates and encodes the relationships between quantities or values, and the arithmetical steps needed to solve the problem.2) All the above describe largely professional uses, or things like personal finance. It can also crop up in your hobbies, particularly crafts and obviously amateur science.
A Giraffe needs to drink around 2 litres of water every dayA giraffe needs to drink because if they don't drink water they can get very sick.
It is not good the allow cats wonder in the kitchen because the cats hairs can spread around the kitchen and the might have flees that might go into the food and also if the cats were sick it might spread on to someones food and make them sick so be carefully!!!
Celebrate. This is your chance to show what you can do on your own.
No, it is unlikely for you to get sick if your cat drinks your water.
yess sometimes when things or waste gets in water that will make the water sick and damped
can lake water make you sick
Yes you may if you drink water that's not safe. If you drink water that you bought from a store, a bottled water, then you will not get sick. If you drink water straight from the faucet that might get you sick.
If you drank that much that fast, you would probably get really sick.
Slow down! chew slower and at least 20 times a mouthful, drink water with it SLOWLY! or it comes back up again
yes, you will fill sick the whole time
Sick, fill, ridge and pitta all have short 'i's'.
No, toilet bowl water is not safe to drink as it may contain harmful bacteria, viruses, and other contaminants that can make you sick. It is important to use clean and safe sources of water for drinking.