

Can you simplify three eighths

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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Since the numerator of the fraction prime, it is impossible to reduce the proper fraction 3/8 any further than it is already reduced.

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Q: Can you simplify three eighths
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Can three eighths simplify?

No it cannot be simplified. Three is a prime number.

How do you simplify three eighths?

3/8 is simplified, there are no common denominators to further simplify. 3/8= 0.375

How many fourths are there in six-eighths simplify?

6/8 simplifies to 3/4, so there are three fourths in six eighths.

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To simplify 30/80 to its simplest form, divide both the numerator and denominator by 10. In this instance, 30/80 is equal to 3/8, or three eighths.

What is three eighths in simplest form?

3/8 is already in simplest form; there are no common factors which you can simplify.

What is negative one third multiplied by three eighths?

-1/3 x 3/8 = -3/24 or simplify it to -1/8

Which one is greater two eighths or three eighths?

Three Eighths

What is the sum of three eighths plus three eighths?

six eighths

Can you simplify one eighths?

Yes, you will obtain a decimal answer which is 0.125.

What is 7 eighths simplified?

That can't be simplified.

How could simplify one and four eighths?

one and a half

How do you simplify 1 and 4 eighths?

1 1/2