You divide the numerator of the ratio by its denominator.
Solving a ratio is quite easy, to say the least. All you have to do is divide the numbers to get the answer.
The Greatest Common Divisor of 414, 1035 is 207.
Divide numerator and denominator by 3.2 . Arrive at the ratio: 3/8 or 0.375 .
To find the ratio of 11 to 132, you simply divide 11 by 132: Ratio= 11/132 Now, let's simplify this ratio: Ratio = 11/132 = 1/12
26 to 1
Step 1: 2+3+4 = 9 Step 2: 1035/9 = 115 Step 3a: 115*2 = 230 Step 3b: 115*3 = 345 Step 3c: 115*4 = 460 Answer: 230, 345 and 460.
It is the same as 6.5/234 which can be reduced to 1/36 in its lowest terms.
To convert meters to kilometers, divide by 1000. Therefore, 234 meters is equal to 0.234 kilometers.
407/5 + 777 - 234 = 624.4
1035 thousandths = 1035/1000 = 1.035
78 yards. There are 3 feet in every yard, so divide the number of feet (234) by 3 to get the yards. 234/3= 78 yards.
There are 1000 milliliters in one liter Divide milliliters by 1000 to get liters 234 ml = 0.234 liter
Yes you can
Yes you can