Not necessarily. A parallelogram is a quadrilateral with 2 sets of 2 parallel sides.
Only rectangles and squares have right angles as all four angles - a rectangle is a "special" parallelogram that has all four angles equal; a square is a "special" rectangle that has all four sides of equal length.
Rectangle and square
Except for rectangles, no parallelogram has right angles.
A rectangle has four angles of 90° each, also known as right angles. The special case is the square, which is a rectangle with four equal sides.
it could be a square or a rectangle. its a square if all four sides are congruent, but if not, its a rectangle.
a rectangle has four right angles and opposite sides are all the same length This means that a parallelogram is not always a rectangle, but a rectangle is always a parallelogram, by definition.
There are no right angles in a parallelogram. A parallelogram only has right angles if it is a rectangle, in which case it has exactly four.
A parallelogram with no right angles and four congruent sides is a Rhombus.
A parallelogram does not have to be four right angles. A parallelogram is a four sided shape with two parallel lines.
A rhombus is a parallelogram with all four sides congruent to each other with no right angles. A square is a parallelogram with four congruent sides and four right angles.
A rectangle is a parallelogram with four right angles.
A parallelogram with four right angles is a rectangle; if the rectangle also has four equal sides, then it is known as a square.
Parallelogram with four right angles and four equal sides is a square.
every parallelogram has 4 angles. a rectangle has four right angles as does the square
A parallelogram with four equal sides and no right angles is a rhombus.
Rectangle and square