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This homogeneous system has infinitely many non-trivial solutions.

If you are looking for exactly one non-trivial solution, no such system exists. the system may or may not have non trivial solution. if number of variables equal to number of equations and given matrix is non singular then non trivial solution does not exist

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Q: Does any homogeneous system have nontrivial solution?
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A homogeneous mixture, homo- means of the same. A homogeneous mixture is a mixture that cannot be separated in any way.

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row reduce the matrix in question and see if it has any free variables. if it does then it has many solution's. If not then it only has one unique solution. which is of course the trivial solution (0)

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The purpose is to obtain a homogeneous mixture.

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Any part of a system with uniform composition and properties is called a phase ant it is always true.

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