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rounding the answer to the nearest cent you would get $2.32 for the answer

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Q: Every week a grocery store buys 30 gallons of milk at a cost of58 a gallonThe store owner anticipates a 15spoilage rateIn order to achieve a 20 markup based on the selling pricewhat should the s?
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The correct way to spell the word is achieve.Some example sentences are:What are you trying to achieve exactly?We will achieve victory against our enemies.She always strived to achieve the best she could.

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Yes, achieve is a verb.

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To achieve is "réussir" in French.

How do you say achieve in latin?

I achieve: perficioYou (singular, referring to only one person) achieve: perficisHe/she/it achieves: perficitWe achieve: perficimusYou (plural, referring to more than one person) achieve: perficitisThey achieve: perficiuntTo achieve: perficerePlease note that the letter "c" in Latin, is always hard. Pronounced like coffee, curtain, octopus.

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Past - achieved. Present - achieve/achieves/achieving. Future - will achieve.