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i have no idea but you guys could possibly use this formula

SNR=10log and in the base 10


SNR=avg signal/avg noise

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Q: Examples of solved problem on signal to noise ratio?
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Limitations of balanced slope detector?

*Linearity is not defined *It doesnot take care about the noise and spurious signals therefore the output of balanced slope detectors may contain some noise

How does the number of speakers affect the amount of noise in a room independent variable and Dependent variable?

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What is the function of silencer?

The main function of Silencer is to reduce noise & to transmit exhaust gasses to the atmosphere BUT it also serves some more function 1. Decrease fuel consumption 2. Exhaust gasses in the Silencer can be used to produce some power that can charge the Battery of your vehicle

What is difference between linear and block codes?

In coding theory, a linear code is an error-correcting code for which any linearcombination of codewords is also a codeword.The block code and its parameters. Error-correcting codes are used to reliably transmit digital data over unreliable communication channels subject to channel noise.

What is the is the surface area of a right cone with a slant of height of 7 and a radius of 5?

Fix Your Relationship by Improving Communication Communication is key One of the things that becomes a source of problems for married couples is lack of communication. This is true especially of men, who are notorious for not expressing their feelings. A lot of arguments can be avoided simply by talking things out. Couples should be open to each other about the problems and difficulties they are encountering. They should start communicating before it reaches a critical point and becomes a full blown fight. Poor communication is one of the most common relationship problems that most people encounter. Good communication in a relationship necessitates a lot of skills, without which there is greater possibility of relationship problems arising. Starting with getting rid of all distractions such as TV’s and radio noise, and arranging a quality time that suits both partners, is a good way to set off communication. Do away with interrupting the other person when talking, and avoid categorizing the partner. Talking about good factors of the relationship as well as the relationship problems, can positively help create good communication. Communication also involves non-verbal cues such as body language and with how common everyday things are done. For example, when you see your partner crossing his arms while you’re explaining something, he may not be receptive to what you are saying. Seeing his/her body tense up when you bring up a certain topic may mean that the particular subject is causing him/her stress. A misconception people have over communication is that it requires words and a schedule to sit down and talk. While it is true that couples need to find time to talk on a regular basis, consistent communication goes beyond simply this. The problem only comes when the other person fails to get the message – the problem of “miscommunication”. A much greater concern than having either a good or a bad message is for the other person to understand what you are trying to get at rather than ending up with the other’s careless shrug of “whatever” – the worst form of bad relationship communication. Miscommunication is best resolved by asking. Do not make assumptions or jump to conclusions (that are most probably wrong). Another obstacle to having a great relationship is communicating the truth. It already is a problem when a couple goes through with miscommunication, so what more if the sender expresses an erroneous message. Lying (or hiding the truth) always only makes things worse. Finally, the last thing to keep in mind when it comes to relationship communication is how we communicate. If you’re not sure of what the other is trying to communicate, then without hesitation, ask for an explanation, although you may get the frequent response of “don’t you get it?!” Sincerely say, “I’m sorry, but I don’t get what you’re saying.” And for the other, appreciate the gap-bridging; you would rather hear a question than a ‘whatever’. Don't finish your partner's thoughts before they are expressed. In other words, if they say I was thinking about the backyard. Don't cut them off before they finish and say I already know what you want and I do not want to do it. Well they very well, if given the chance may have said, I was thinking that what you suggested last week would be perfect. By learning to listen to the needs of the other person and compromising, arguments can be avoided. Past issues should no longer be brought up, if at all possible, so that the couple can look ahead and face the future together. It takes two people working together to make marriage work. It takes years and even decades to make it succeed. The direction of the marriage should always be decided by both parties.

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