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A coordinate plane is made up of two axes: the x-axis going horizontally and the y axis going vertically. The point where these two meet is called the origin and has the value of (0,0). When you are given a point to plot it will look in a similar way to the value of the origin: it consists of two numbers separated by a comma and in parentheses. The first of these numbers is called the abscissa and represents the value of the x axis. The second is called the ordinate and represents the value of the ordinate. When you are give a point to plot, first look at the abscissa and then take that number and move that amount of times to the right if it's a positive number or to the left if it's a negative number. Then look at the second number and, this time starting at the point on the x-axis where the abscissa was, and go that amount of times up for a positive number and down for a negative number. Point you arrive at is the plotted point. This should all be done on graph paper using the given lines and drawing on your own axes, making it clear where the units are. Here are some picture examples.

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