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Q: Famous mathematicians who contributed in the development of algebra?
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One of the more famous early mathematicians was Archimedes, who was born in 287BC Greece. Archimedes contributed a lot to the development of calculus, and was well known for making machinery, such as the Archimedes screw, an early pump

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some of the most famous mathematicians is.... How am I supposed to know? Find it out your self!

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he is famous mathematician and scientist that contributed to the development of telephone his name Sr. Joel Omongos

Did ancient Greece contributed to world history because it was a time of famous philosophers scientists and mathematicians?

Yes as well as the ventures of Alexandra the Great.

Who is the worlds famous mathematician?

Well actually there are many famous mathematicians in the world. But one is Archimedes. To find out why and how he contributed to math please check a search engine like GOOGLE. :)

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Cammon helton

Was the person who created algebra a Muslim?

Yes. Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī (c. 780-850) developed it based on the mathematical works of History famous mathematicians.

Who are 3 famous female mathematicians?

Maria Agnesi, Florence Allen, and Annie Andrews are some famous mathematicians.

What was the formula hypatia always used?

Hypatia was a prominent mathematician and philosopher in ancient Greece who made significant contributions to the development of algebra and geometry. While there isn't a specific formula that Hypatia always used, she is known for her work on conic sections and her commentary on the works of famous mathematicians like Euclid and Diophantus.

Famous five mathematicians?


Who are the five famous mathematicians in world?

"The" five mathematicians? There surely are much more than five.

What are 5 famous mathematicians?

Five famous mathematicians are: Ada Lovelace, Augustus De Morgan, Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, and Adam Smith.