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Q: Find 5 numbers that have the same Mean Median and Mode?
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How can you find mean median and mode for GROUPED data?

Mean, median and mode are ways to find averages. The mode is the most common answer in a set of data. The median the number that is in the middle when the numbers are put in order. The mean is the statical average.

Are the mean median and mode always numbers from a list of data?

the median and mode are but the mean is not

What does mean median mode mean?

Mean is when you add up all the numbers then divide them by how many numbers you added up. Median is when you put the numbers in order and find out what the middle number is. Mode is the most comon used number in that set.

When would you use the mean rather than the median and the mode?

Mean is the average you add all the numbers and divide the total by the number of numbers that you added. you would use it rather thank median and mode basically when it asks you to find the mean or to find the average

What are mean median and mode for the following numbers 10 8 64 5?

The mean is 6.6. The median is 6. There is no mode.

What is the mean median and mode of a lawyers salary?

Mean, median and mode are averages of sets of numbers, not one single one.

How do you remember the difference between the mean median and mode?

the mean is when you add the numbers and divide the answer by how many numbers is in the problem, the median is when you arrange the numbers from smallest to largest or from largest to smallest and find the middle number and the mode is how many times a number repeats itself.

How do you find the mean median and mode?

To find the mean you add all the numbers together then divide by how many there are. Ex. 5+10+6+6+5+12+5=49 49/7=7 Mean=7 To find the median you put the numbers from least to greatest the find the number in the middle. (note: if there are two numbers in the middle add hem and divide by two.) Ex. 5,5,5,6,6,10,12 Median:6 To find the mode you look for the number that appears the most. (note: There can be more than one mode or there can be no mode) Ex. 5,5,5,6,6,10,12 Mode:5

How To Find The Mean Median And Mode?

median=middle numbermean=average(add all the numbers and divide by the amount of numbers?)mode=most frequent or occurringHope this helps!!~6th grader

How do you find mean median and mode in a data set?

To find the mode you add all the numbers together, then divide by the amount of numbers you added. To find the median you take the largest number, subtract the smallest number, divide that by two and add it to the smallest number.

How do you Find the mean median and mode for 9.3 8.4 8.0 9.1 9.4 7.8 9.3 8.0?

To find the mean, you add the numbers and divide by the amount of numbers there are. That is 8.7. The median is the middle value when they are in order. The median is 9. The mode is the most common number. 9.3 appears twice, so it is the mode.

What is the mean median mode range for 12107 1115?

The mean and the median of the two numbers, 12107 and 1115 are 6611.There is no mode. The range is 10992.