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If the angle formed between the intersecting lines are 90o then the two lines are perpendicular.

In 2D coordinate geometry, a perpendicular line has a slope equal to the negative reciprocal of the original line.

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Q: How can you determine if two lines are perpendicular?
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If two lines are perpendicular to eachother, they have right angles. The format for perpendicular lines is: x is perpendicular to -1/x. This is called the opposite reciprocal.

How do you use slope to determine if two lines are perpendicular?

You have to know the slopes of both lines. -- Take the two slopes. -- The lines are perpendicular if (one slope) = -1/(the other slope), or the product of the slopes equals to -1.

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If the two lines are parallel, they will never connect. A straight line drawn across those lines will intersect them at identical angles. If you have perpendicular lines, they intersect and all four angles that they make are 90 degrees.

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What is Perpendicular and Parallel?

Perpendicular is when two lines cross... Parallel is when two lines never meet.... _____________ _____________ = PARALLEL LINES If they cross they are perpendicular, if they don't, they are parallel.

What makes two lines perpendicular?

Perpendicular lines are any two lines that intersect at a 90 degree angle.

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To determine the center of a circle when woodworking, draw two perpendicular lines that intersect at the circle's edge. The point where the lines intersect is the center of the circle.

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Two lines are perpendicular or orthogonal if they meet at a 90 degree angle.For instance,|__|are two perpendicular lines.

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Each of the four lines is perpendicular - to two of the other lines.