You do the calculations, not with actual numbers, but with dimensions. For example, [length] + [length] = [length], [length] x [length] = [length]2, square root of [time]4 = [time]2, etc. In the final result, left and right of the equation have to be equal. For more information, search about dimensional analysis (for example, the Wikipedia article on dimensional analysis might help).
It can tell you three things about the quadratic equation:- 1. That the equation has 2 equal roots when the discriminant is equal to zero. 2. That the equation has 2 distinctive roots when the discriminant is greater than zero. £. That the equation has no real roots when the discriminant is less than zero.
If it is in a y=mx+b format. Also, if there is a slope and a constant in the equation.
A line is represented by an equation. Each solution of the equation is a point on the line, and each point on the line is a solution to the equation. So the line is just the graph of the solution set of the equation.
To find how big your stick is.
It depends on your equation. Your equation will tell the proportionallity and then will we be able to tell what will happen to the other variables and or just one variable.
no it can't be
No, not all dimensionally correct equations represent physical relationships. Dimensional analysis focuses on the units of measurements in an equation to ensure consistency but does not guarantee the physical relevance of the relationship itself. It is possible to have dimensionally correct equations that do not have a meaningful physical interpretation.
It means that the dimensions of all terms agree with the basic rules of mathematical operations. It also means that only terms with the same dimensions are added or subtracted.
Unfortunately, the browser used for posting questions is hopelessly inadequate for mathematics: it strips away most symbols. It is, therefore, impossible to be certain, but I suspect that the answer is yes.
No, mass times acceleration does not equal velocity squared dimensionally. The dimensional equation for mass times acceleration is [M][L][T]^-2, while the dimensional equation for velocity squared is [L]^2[T]^-2. These are not equivalent dimensions.
The correct set of coefficient for an equation depends with the equation in question. There are many types of equations.
Planck's Constant is dimensionally equal to Angular Momentum. The unit is Joules second.
You can easily tell by substituting 0 for a.
if an equation is given the correct answer, it is mathematically correct.
Please provide the statement or context so I can help you with the correct chemical equation.