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what math flowchart can make it true

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Q: How do you Draw a flowchart for the roots of a quadratic equation?
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Draw the graph of the equation. the solution is/are the points where the line cuts the x(horisontal) axis .

Draw an algorithm amd flowchat to claculate the roots of quadratic equation Ax2 Bx C0?

READ values of a, b and c,if a is zero then stop as we do not have a quadratic,calculate value of discriminantif D is zero then there is one root: ,if D is > 0 then there are two real roots: and ,if D is < 0 there are two complex roots: and ,PRINT solution.

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pictorial representation of a program is called a flowchart

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START INPUT a,b,c d=B*B-4ac x1=-b+d/2a x2=-b-d/2a print x1,x2 stop

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There is an organized plan and flowchart at the related link below.

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dot you will draw that's all thank you for selected