Suppose you have a loan and find that you are able to pay it off early. How much interest should be returned to you? In your loan document, it will probably state that refunds would be based on the "Rule of 78."
Let's look at a example to see what this means.
Suppose you borrow $2000 at 6% and agree to pay it back in 12 monthly installments. According to the well-know formula for calculating the payment,
Payment =
Where P is the amount borrowed, i is the monthly interest rate and N is the number of payments.
We find that we would be told, on our loan document, that we would make 11 payments of $172.13 and a final payment of $172.17.
= 172.13
The extra 4 cents on the last payment is due to accumulated round off error.
Before looking at the Rule of 78, let's examine the amortization schedule for this loan.
Principle Payment Interest To Prin. New Balance
1. 2000.00 172.13 10.00 162.13 1837.87
2. 1837.87 172.13 9.19 162.94 1674.93
3. 1674.93 172.13 8.37 163.76 1511.17
4. 1511.17 172.13 7.56 164.57 1346.60
5. 1346.60 172.13 6.73 165.40 1181.20
6. 1181.20 172.13 5.91 166.22 1014.98
7. 1014.20 172.13 5.07 167.06 847.92
8. 847.92 172.13 4.24 167.89 680.03
9. 680.03 172.13 3.40 168.73 511.30
10. 511.30 172.13 2.56 169.57 341.73
11. 341.73 172.13 1.71 170.42 171.31
12. 171.31 172.17 .86 171.31 -0-
Now suppose, maybe because of a tax refund, you decide to pay off your loan two months early. If one looks at the amortization schedule, you would be saving the last two interest payments, $1.71 and .86 for a total of $2.57. However, the loan documents say that, in case you pay off early, the refund of interest will be according to the Rule of 78. Here's what that means. Since the loan was for 12 months, add the numbers from 1 - 12 (a little math). Now, 1 + 2 + … + 12 = 78. Hence the name! The interest on your loan is then divided into 78 shares. Your monthly payments total $2065.60, so the total interest would be $65.60. Divided by 78 yields $0.84 per share. Now the lender assumes it receives 12 shares of interest from your first payment ($10.08), 11 shares from your 2nd payment, etc. So, by paying off two months early, you save (1+2) =3 shares, for a total of $2.52. You lose $0.05!
It's the diameter times pi.
Measure the three sides using a ruler. Then use the Cosine Rule. If the sides are a, b and c cms, then to calculate angle C, the cosine rule is c2 = a2 + b2 - 2abCos(C) So, calculate [a2 + b2 - c2]/2ab and then calculate cos-1 of the result.
a mathematical relationship or rule expressed in symbols.
d[fg(x)]/dx = df(x)/dx*g(x) + f(x)*dg(x)/dx or (fg)' = f'g + fg'
you find the formula... then you calculate it. Its that simple.
it's the rule of 78s
It is typically calculated on a rule of 78s a.k.a sum of the digits method.
the coordinates are 40N 78S
The answer depends on the state where Gap was purchased. In many states the refund is calculated pro rata. This means if a cancel is requested in month 30 of a 60-month loan, 50% of the selling price would be refunded. Perhaps the most popular refund calculation is rule-of-78s. This allows the Gap Insurer to earn more of the premium in the early stages of a loan. For example, in Rule-of-78s calculations the first month of a 60-month loan is worth approximately 3.28% of the overall price charged (this number would be only 1.66% if pro rata was used). Rule-of-78s is often used because it allows the Gap Insurer to more closely align the risk with the earning of premium. Gap exposure is higher early in the loan and decreases as payments are made.
Jonas bros rule
33s revolve at 33 RPM, and 78s revolve at 78RPMs. 33s are known as LPs (for Long-Playing) and 78s consist of just one song on each side of the record.
As long as the auo loan doesn't exceed 61 months. In 2001 US Rep John LaFalce tried to have the bill eliminated in credit transactions. Nothing ever came of the proposed bill.
in a musical context,early gramophone records were called 78s -this was the speed at which they were played.
It's the diameter times pi.
A typical rule of thumb is FLA=LRA/6
It depends on numerous things - label, content, condition etc. therefore more information is needed.
Use the rule of Pythagoras - calculate the distance as squareroot(deltax2 + deltay2), where deltax and deltay are the differences in the x and y coordinates, respectively.Use the rule of Pythagoras - calculate the distance as squareroot(deltax2 + deltay2), where deltax and deltay are the differences in the x and y coordinates, respectively.Use the rule of Pythagoras - calculate the distance as squareroot(deltax2 + deltay2), where deltax and deltay are the differences in the x and y coordinates, respectively.Use the rule of Pythagoras - calculate the distance as squareroot(deltax2 + deltay2), where deltax and deltay are the differences in the x and y coordinates, respectively.