Ratios are basically decimals, numbers, perfect squares which all come down to being fractions.As we cut fractions, same method is applied to ratios.... Cathy
o.348 = 0.348/1.000 Cancel down decimal point 348/1000 Cancel down by '2' 174/500 Cancel down by '2' 87/250 This is its lowest term because '87' is a prime number and will not cancel down any further.
0.636363... ( recurring to infinity) is a RATIONAL number. It can be converted to a ratio/fraction. Let P = 0.636363... & 100P = 63.636363.... Subtract 99P = 63 P = 63/99 ( A ratio/fraction). Cancel down by '9' P = 7/11 The simplest form .
0.376 = 0.376 / 1.000 Cancel down the decimal point 0376/1000 Ignore the trivial prefix zero. 376/1000 Cancel down by '2' 188/500 Cancel down by '2' again 94/250 # And again 47/125 As a fraction in its simplest form.
(8x-8y)/(8x+8y) = (x-y)/(x+y)Cancel down by 8; you have simplified the equation.
0.225 First we note that there are 3 decimal place. So place the decimal over '1.000'; note the three zeroes. Hence 0.225/1.000 Cancel down the decimal point 0225/1000 Drop the prefix 'zero'. 225/1000 We note that that both the numerator and denominator end in '0' & '5' , so it will cancel down by '5' Hence 225/1000 = 45/200 Similarly 45/200 = 9/40 Since there are no common factors between '9' & '40' , the fraction will not cancel down any further . So 0.225 = 9/40
Since the antecedent of the ratio is prime, it is impossible to cancel this ratio of 17:48 down any further.
The ratio is 28:18 which can cancel down to 14:9
If you change them both into seconds, you get a ratio of 60:2, but if you cancel it down you get an answer of 30:1 This means that the best answer is 30:1
Write as an improper fraction. 93,000,000 / 250,000 Cancel down by 10,000 Hence 9300/ 25 Cancel down again by '25' 372/1 Hence the ratios is 93,000,000 : 250,000 :: 372:1
240/300 Cancel down by #10# Hence 24/30 Cancel down by'3 8/10 Cancel down by '2' 4/5 The answer!!!!!
No, the equilibrium constant does not have units because it is a ratio of concentrations and the units cancel out.
it means to take out
YES!!! Because it can be converted to a RATIO. Hence Let 10P = 8.33333.... 100 P = 83.3333.... Subtract 90P = 75 P = 75/90 Cancel down by '5' P = 15/18 Cancel down by '3' P = 5/6 ( A RATIO). This is the fraction in its lowest terms. NB Irrational numbers are 'pi = 3.141592..... . Sqrt(2) = 1.414213562.... Casually irrational numbers have the decimals going to infinity, and there is no regular order in the decial digits. As the name suggests, irrational numbers cannot be converted to a ratio (fraction).
divide 1,000,000 / 20 Cancel down by '10' 100,000 / 2 Cancel down by '2' 50,000 The answer!!!!!
72/96 Cancel down by '2' 36/48 Cancel down by '3' 12/16 Cancel down by '4' 3/4 Is the fraction in its lowest terms. NB It does not have a DENOMINATOR OF '18'
In a ratio of measurements for the same kinds of units, units get canceled. For example, in a ratio of 3 meters / 8 meters, you can cancel the "meters" in the numerator and the denominator. An important ratio is pi, which is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. If you measure the circumference in feet, and the diameter in feet, then divide circumference/diameter, then the result is the dimensionless quantity 3.14159265.... If you go back and measure both in meters, you get the same answer.In a ratio of two measurements, the units cancel, so it makes no difference whether you write the units, or not.