Unlike terms are terms in an equation that are different. These terms cannot be combined. Like terms, however, can be combined.
To add like terms, find the terms that have the same (or no) variable, and combine the coefficients of the terms. For instance, if you have a+b where a and b are real numbers, you can combine them.
Yes, you can. For example 3x times 4y = 12xy.You cannot however, add like terms (to combine them, that is. There isn't anything wrong with adding them up, 3x + 4y is acceptable). For example, 3x + 4y is as simplified as it can get.
mathematics: to combine terms that are alike
one that won't talk to one another because they don't like each other... NO, seriously, they are terms that are different. For example x^2+2x+3x-4x^2. The x^2 terms are like terms and the x^2 terms and the x terms and unlike because they are different. Just like x and y, or apples and oranges.
No. You can't subtract unlike terms
Unlike terms.
You can combine like terms - combine the terms that have a "t" in them; separately, combine the terms that don't.
A mathematical expression does not have an answer, if it is algebraic and all of the terms are unlike. For example, x+7y does not have an answer because there are no definite solutions, and there is no possibility to combine like terms. However, the expression 2x+7y+3x does have an answer, but the solution is merely the combination of like terms. (5x+7y)
To add like terms, find the terms that have the same (or no) variable, and combine the coefficients of the terms. For instance, if you have a+b where a and b are real numbers, you can combine them.
Yes, you can. For example 3x times 4y = 12xy.You cannot however, add like terms (to combine them, that is. There isn't anything wrong with adding them up, 3x + 4y is acceptable). For example, 3x + 4y is as simplified as it can get.
To simplify
no, combining like terms means combine the terms that are the same 15+x+6+x=28 combine like terms 21+2x=28 2x=7 x=3.5
There is nothing that you can do when you combine like terms that you cannot do without combining them. Some procedures might be easier, though, if like terms are combined.
Unlike terms.