Fractions are in their simplest form when the GCF of numerator and denominator is one.
Factor the numerator and denominator, and then cancel any common factors.
-- Find any common factor of the numerator and denominator, and divide numerator and denominator by it. -- Keep doing that until the numerator and denominator no longer have any common factor except ' 1 '. The fraction is then in its simplest form.
There are an infinite number of fractions that are all equal to 21/49 .The one in lowest terms (simplest form) is 3/7.
1/3 + 2/17need common denominator to add fractions and with this oddball just multiply 3 * 17 = 51 and use form of one to get fractions into order17*1/17*3 + 3*2/3*1717/51 + 6/51= 23/51=======simplest form
Yes, that is true. With all positive fractions that can be reduced, the numerator becomes a smaller positive whole number. There is no smaller positive whole number than one, therefore all fractions that have a numerator of 1 are in their simplest form. You can tell if a fraction is in its simplest form by finding the the GCF of the nmerator and the denominator. If the GCF is 1, the fraction is in its simplest form. The GCF of any number and 1 is 1, therefore all fractions that have a numerator of 1 are in their simplest form.
13/14 is in its simplest form.
Any fraction with a one in the numerator is in its simplest form.
It depends on what types of fractions. But, just get the fraction down to the simplest form, or until you can't divide into it anymore. Ex. 28/7 in simplest form is 4/1
If the GCF of the numerator and denominator is 1, the fraction is said to be in its simplest form.
U have to do it in simplest form to get a smaller nuMber froM tHE OrIGiNaL NUMber
The simplest for of 0.09 as a fractions is 9/100.
You could, if you wished to.