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with a tryangle you have 3 sides. A base and a leg and a hypotnuse. if you have a base and an angle just use the trig function to find your hight.

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Q: How do you find a triangle when you only know one side and one angle?
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A triangle if not found congruent by CPCTC as CPCTC only applies to triangles proven to be congruent. If triangle ABC is congruent to triangle DEF because they have the same side lengths (SSS) then we know Angle ABC (angle B) is congruent to Angle DEF (Angle E)

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A triangle cannot have only one angle!

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If you only know one angle, that angle is greater than 90 degrees, then the triangle is obtuse If that angles is equal to 90 degrees, then the triangle is a right triangle. If it is less than 90 degrees, you don't know enough information to classify the triangle.

How do you find an angle measurement of a triangle?

The answer depends on what information you have, If you know only the lengths of the sides, you use the cosine rule to find the measure of one angle and then the sine rule to find the other angles.

What is equivalence logic?

1. A triangle is a right triangle if and only if it has a right angle. 2. A triangle has a right angle if and only if it is a right triangle.

How do you find the angle opposite of the hypotenuse of a triangle with all three sides known?

The only triangle that has a hypotenuse is a right-triangle. The hypotenuse is the side opposite the right angle, so the angle is always 90 degrees. In this case, if you're just finding the angle then you don't need to know what the side lengths are.

How do you determine sine in a right triangle?

The sine of an angle in a right triangle is opposite/hypotenuse, where opposite is the only side that is not adjacent to the angle you want to find the sine of, and the hypotenuse is the side opposite the right angle in the triangle. Just find opposite/hypotenuse.

How do you find the perimeter of a triangle when you only know the length of 2 sides?

Not possible, you need at least the length of two sides and the included angle.

How do you make a triangle when you only know two sides and one angle?

Thats already a triangle if it three sides.

How do you find angle on triangle?

Given only the information provided in the question, the answer is to measure it.

What is a logical equivalent?

1. A triangle is a right triangle if and only if it has a right angle. 2. A triangle has a right angle if and only if it is a right triangle.

How do you find out the height of a triangle if only the 3 angles are given?

It is impossible to find a triangle if only angle measures are given (all similar triangles have the same angles).