1130/930 is an equivalent ratio.
You divide the numerator of the ratio by its denominator.
Pi = 355/113. That improper fraction is accurate to six decimal places. Pi is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. Please search on "Pi" using this site's search utility to find many questions that deal with it. Some links can be found below.
- 1.3
1130/930 is an equivalent ratio.
1250 / 2825 reduce to 250 / 565 = 50 / 113 or 50:113
73 is a prime number, so 73:93 cannot be simplified further.
The ratio of red to white phenotypic characteristics is approximately 93:36, which simplifies to 31:12 when divided by their greatest common factor of 3.
The answer is 113 deegrees because 67 + 113 =180
The ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. Best fit is 355/113, which is correct to 6 places.
I cant find it
A ratio is a property of two or more numbers. It is not possible to find the ratio of a single number.
13 days is 312 hours. 226:312 hours is 113/156 simplified
Well, isn't that a happy little math problem? To find out what percentage 72 is of 113, you simply divide 72 by 113 and then multiply by 100. So, 72 is about 63.7% of 113. Remember, there are no mistakes in math, just happy little accidents!