

How do you find the volume of a cup?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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16y ago

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I think they come in small, medium, and large.

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Q: How do you find the volume of a cup?
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A measuring cup.

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Go get a measuring cup.

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mearing cup

How would you find the volume of a liquid?

Use a measuring cup.

Steps to determine volume of a cup?

volume of a cup is 1500cm3

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The label, or perhaps a measuring cup..

What the meaning of cup of liquid?

A cup is used as a measure of volume. Thus a cup of liquid is a standard 'cup sized' volume of liquid.

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If you know the approximate volume of the object (½cup shortening, for example),fill a measuring cup with ½cup cold water, and add the object until you reach twice the volume.For example, ½cup water + ½cup shortening = 1 cup → this would mean that you have ½cup of the irregular object (shortening).

Does a scale measure volume?

No, it is used to find the weight or mass of an object.

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If it's a 'cup' then the volume is the same. The almonds may be a fraction heavier

How would you measure the volume of a nail?

To find its volume you can find its mass using a triple beam balance and it's density with a graduated cylinder and use the formula v=m/d

How many millimeters are in a cup?

Millimeters is a measure of length while a cup is of volume. Try changing one unit to another of the same measure, i.e., volume to volume like liters and a cup.