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Produce a maths paper in association with either Erdos himself or someone who already has an Erdos number.

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Q: How do you get an Erdos number?
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Related questions

What is an Erdos number and how do you get one?

You have to produce a paper in partnership with Paul Erdos to get an Erdos number of 1. If you produce a paper in partnership with someone who already has an Erdos Number, you get one more than your co-author(s). It is rumoured that baseball legend Hank Aaron has an Erdos number of 1 since he and Erdos both signed the baseball with which Aaron broke Babe Ruth's career home run record of 714 !

Does the Erdos Number follow the Benford Law?

No, it does not. The Benford Law requires the numbers to span several orders of magnitude, Erdos numbers have a very small range.

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When was Todd Erdos born?

Todd Erdos was born in 1973.

What was Paul Erdos major contributions?

Erdos' Conjecture on Arithmetic Progressions (

What has the author Paul Erdos written?

Paul Erdos has written: 'Topics in the theory of numbers'

Who was the best mathmatician?

This is a very subjective question, especially considering that mathematics has several fields that go into such detail that specialists from one field can do little on advanced topics in a different field. However, some notable mathematicians include Pythagoras, Euler, and Erdos. (In fact, Erdos was a mathematician of such great fame that there is something called an Erdos number that people made up to keep track of how close they are to writing a paper with Erdos himself.)

When was Victor Erdos born?

Victor Erdos was born on February 16, 1972, in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

When and where was baseball player Todd Erdos born?

Todd Erdos was born November 21, 1973, in Washington, PA, USA.

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When did baseball player Todd Erdos play?

Todd Erdos debuted on June 8, 1997 and played his final game on October 5, 2001.

How many papers did Paul Erdos publish?

Paul Erdos published around 1,500 mathematical research papers during his career. He was a prolific mathematician known for his collaborations with numerous other mathematicians.