The number 2,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 can be said as "two octillion" in the short scale naming system, which is commonly used in the United States. In the long scale system, which is used in many European countries, this number would be called "two quadrillion." The short scale system increases by a factor of one thousand for each new -illion term, while the long scale system increases by a factor of one million.
Two nonillions.
"Pio" is what baby chick say. In English they say "Chirp" Pronounced "PEE-oh"
You could say either, but the traditional good-night phrase is "Sweet dreams."
The difference is the person who is possessing. For example you would say "I have a bike" or "He has a bike". You would not, however, say "I has a bike" or "He have a bike" unless you're ignorant and uneducated.
you would say she is taller than me. ex: My brother is taller than me ex:I am shorter than my brother same thing when you say ex:My friends and I went to get pizza you don't say me and my friends went to get pizza even if you have more than one person ex: My mom,brother, and I went ice scating
Thirty-three quintillion.
two nonillions
2000000000000000000000000000000 muscels 2000000000000000000000000000000 muscels
2 zillion
It is -151515151515151515151515151515/1000000000000000000000000000000 = -30303030303030303030303030303/2000000000000000000000000000000
its just called "say" and... take out all your wasted honor every little past frustration take out all your so called problems better put em in quotations say what you need to say say what you need to say say what you need to say say what you need to say say what you need to say say what you need to say say what you need to say say what you need to sayayayay walking like a one-man army fighting with shadows in your head living out the same old moment knowing you'd be better off instead if you could only say what you need to say say what you need to say say what you need to say say what you need to say say what you need to say say what you need to say say what you need to say say what you need to sayayayayay have no fear for giving in have no fear no fear for giving over you better know that in the end, its better to say too much, than never to say what you nee d to say again even if your hands are shaking and your faith is broken even as the eyes are closing do it with a heart wide open say what you need to say say what you need to say say what you need to say say what you need to say say what you need to say say what you need to say say what you need to say say what you need to sayayayayay say what you need to say (i'll say what) {15 times}
Say Say Say was created on 1983-10-03.
How do you say?
you have got to say or you have to say.
To say "What did he say?" in Twi, you would say, "Ahia bκra bκini?"
i like to say the word thank you because i am very polite this is a mission say this as fast as you can say your welcome say your sorry say how happy you are say MISSISSIPPI say IPPISSISSIM say your feelings say i love you say i hate you say i like you say i want a pie in my face splash! well i say i say i say
you say wha say wha say wha say wha say wha say wha say wassup
You can say it as you say it in English or you can say "mutafajerat"