If you are solving for y, it is fine. If you are solving for x, divide both sides by x and the equation should be x = y/x
Using the quadratic equation formula: x = 8.42 or x = -1.42
x2 = (26 + x)2 Taking square roots: x = +/-(26 + x) Then x = 26 + x or x = -26 -x The first gives a nonsense "equation" 0 = 26 but the second gives 2x = -26 or x = -13
If you mean: x squared+9x+14 = 0 then by using the quadratic equation formula x = -2 or x = -7
Using the quadratic equation formula: x = 8.42 or x = -1.42
It can be solved by using the quadratic equation formula.
If x squared equals n, then x is the square root of n.
no, because xx=x squared, and x squared is not linear
x2+x-15 = 0 Using the quadratic equation formula: x = 3.405124838 or x = -4.405124838
It is a quadratic equation in X.
Without an "equals" word or sign somewhere, there is nothing to solve.You only have an expression, not an equation.
The equation describes a circle with its centre at the origin and radius = √13. Each and every point on that circle is a solution.
No, It's a a quadratic equation because you have X squared.
f(x) = x2 + 5x + 1 The roots of this equation are x = -0.2087 and x = -4.7913 (approx).