Get each fraction to have a common denominator, and then sort the fractions from least to greatest based on the numerators.
Least to greatest: 3-10 2-5 1/2 30% 40% 50%
Convert all the rational numbers to order into equivalent fractions with the same denominator; then they can be ordered by putting the numerators in order from least to greatest. ------------ You can also convert all the numbers to decimals ... this is actually a special case of "equivalent fractions".
To compare fractions, we need to have a common denominator. In this case, the common denominator for 9, 4, and 12 is 36. Converting the fractions to have a denominator of 36, we get 20/36, 27/36, and 21/36. Therefore, in order from least to greatest: 5/9, 7/12, 3/4.
Multiply or divide both the numeraters and the denominators the same using GCF.Then look at the numeraters. Good luck!!!!!!!
4/9, 2/3, 5/6, 11/12
Greatest on a list of proper fractions, least on a list of improper fractions.
Listing the fractions is ascending (or descending) order.
you have to compare the common fractions
It's impossible to list all fractions, because there are no least or greatest fractions. In addition, between any two fractions, there's another fraction (for example, the average of the two functions).
The order of these fractions from least to greatest is 2/5, 2/3, and 3/4.
you have to find like denominators and then you order them from least to greatest by there numerators
Convert them to decimals.
300, 288,298
Usually smallest to largest, least to greatest.
convert fractions to decimal then just compare them,and then put them in order!:)
you put the least one first then the most fraction last
you can find the least common denominator and then order them.