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Well I believe you may be referring to the fact that whenever you subtract you actually "add the opposite." Another phrase people may use is to "plus a negative." This is not as accurate as add the opposite. An example would 12-5. It can be written as 12 + -5. You are simply adding the opposite of positive 5 which is negative 5. Now this may seem silly, but where it is useful is when you have a lot of negatives. For example. -10- -5. For some this is confusing until we add the opposite. I can rewrite this as -10 + 5. I simply took the opposite of -5 which was positive 5 and added it to -10. This equals -5. Hope this helps.

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Q: How do you use opposite methods in subtracting integers?
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How can you use addition of integers to subtract integers?

Subtracting an integer is the same as adding the additive inverse. In symbols: a - b = a + (-b), where "-b" is the additive inverse (the opposite) of b.

Rules in subtracting like and unlike sign?

to subtrct integers ,rewrite as adding opposites and use the rules for addtion of integers..

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if they are two positive numbers, do it normally.If there is a negative and a positive, change it to addition and switch the SECOND integer sign. Only works with two integers in a subtraction question.Example: (-32)-(+2)= (-34) / (-32)+(-2)=(-34)

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To find the sum of integers, you use addition.To find the difference, you use subtraction.

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ADDING: same sign, add and keep that sign. opposite sides, subtract their absolute values and use the sign of the number with the larger absolute value SUBRTRACTING: change the sign of the subtrahend (2nd number) then ADD using rules above.

Why do you add an integer opposite when subtracting integers?

to make the integer zero for example: 2x+7y=7x+9 in this step's need to transpose 7x to the left member, 2x-7x+7y=7x-7x+9 look! it become zero and 7x is already transpose to the left member then that's the purpose of adding its opposite We use the opposite of a real numbers to distinguish the number from a negative number. The opposites of reals are real, whereas negative numbers are imaginary numbers. In the above example values and variables are assumed to be real.

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There are several different ways that you can use integers in everyday situations. For example you can use integers in the Winter, you use them with the temperature.

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The Chinese and Hindu were the first to use negative integers

How are subtracting and adding related?

use numbers

How do you factor out 2x2-127x-4896?

Are you sure you typed this correctly? Using normal methods this not factorable -- it si PRIME for the integers. You can use the quadratic formula, but that gives irrational answers for this quadratic.

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Personally, I use them to count with.

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