To write 8,436 in scientific notation, you first move the decimal point to the left until there is only one non-zero digit to its left. This gives you 8.436. Next, you determine how many places you moved the decimal point, which is 3 places to the left. Finally, you express the number as 8.436 x 10^3 in scientific notation.
Six hundred four thousand eight hundred
Oh, dude, like, expanded notation is just a fancy way of breaking down a number into its different place values. So, for 1183541029, you'd write it as 1 billion + 1 hundred million + 8 ten million + 3 million + 5 hundred thousand + 4 ten thousand + 1 thousand + 0 hundreds + 2 tens + 9 ones. Easy peasy!
200,000 x 1,000 = 200,000,000 ie Two hundred million.
Sure thing, honey. 20 million 5 hundred thousand in expanded notation using exponents is 2 x 10^7 + 5 x 10^5. Just break down the numbers and slap those exponents on 'em like it's nobody's business. Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Two and seven hundred thirtysix ten thousandths.Two and seven hundred thirtysix ten thousandths.Two and seven hundred thirtysix ten thousandths.Two and seven hundred thirtysix ten thousandths.
The number seven thousand and five hundred in scientific notation is: 7.5 × 103
Seven thousand nine hundred fifty six in the scientific notation is: 7.956 × 103
The scientific notation for sixty seven thousand five hundred and ten is: 6.751 × 104
379,300 in Scientific Notation = 3.793 x 105
It is: 1,400,000 = 1.4*106 in scientific notation
The number 1,762 can be written as 1.76 × 103 in scientific notation.
14,200,000 in Scientific Notation = 1.42 x 107
A hundred thousand million would more usually be described as a hundred billion, or in scientific notation, 1011.
1,263 in Scientific Notation = 1.263 x 103