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bacterial growth for one.

exponents are used in equations when representing things. growth is the main thing, growth of possibilities(ie. possible outcomes of a situation)

another example of a growth calculation would be calculating interest on a loan or a credit card or a savings account (if its compound interest, which most is these days)

if you want to get advance, the hardy weinberg equation is used for mapping the gene pool of a population, and it has exponents. also, wave functions of particles.

also, it's how ARE exponents used in real live?

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Q: How is exponents used in real life?
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What are real life uses of exponents?

Scientific notation is a way to write very large or very small numbers using exponents. For example 2000 is 2x103 . We can do the same thing with negative exponents and write very small numbers like 1/2000 which is 2x10-3 . So one real life use of exponents in in scientific notation.

Why you need exponents in our real life?

it deals with bank accounts and interest (compounding interest)

Real life example of rational exponents?

A rational exponent is an exponent in the form of a fraction. Many financial formulas use rational exponents. Compound interest is formula that uses rational exponents.

What is the purpose of exponents and give a real life exemplifiction from 7th grade prior knowledge?

yo daddy

Examples of exponents in real life?

82 = 8 × 8 = 64i think that's one (the little 2 is the exponent)

Most important exponent in the mercantilism?

Exponents are based on real life situations. For examle, scientist use exponents to measure size of an earthquake! 2 to the 5th power is 2x2x2x2x2. Another way they are used is when putting in carpeting. You will order 12x12 square inches of carpeting, or 12 Squared.

Are proportions used in real life?

Proportions are used in real life to determine prices of things.

When will you use exponents?

You can use exponents if you have 4x4x4x4x4x4 4x4x4x4x4x4=4 to the sixth power but really, you're doing the same problem eiter way, so exponents are pretty much useless or in real life you ues exponets when it is a really big number like 2.45x10 to the 7th power and that number would be 245000

How do negative exponents apply to real life situations?

Negative exponents in real life situations are like getting rid of pesky little numbers by sending them to the basement. They basically tell you to take the reciprocal of the number with the positive exponent. So, if you see a negative exponent, just flip the base to get rid of it like a bad habit. It's all about playing mathematical mind games to make the numbers work in your favor.

What are the usage of polynomials in real life?

The usage of polynomials in real life include mathematical models for the stock market, roller coaster designs, rocket trajectories, and in engineering for high and machine designs. A polynomial is a mathematical expression that contains exponents, variables, and constants.

How are opposites and reciprocals used in real life situations?

Believe it or not, school is a real life situation. If you are using it in school it real life for you.

What is the keyboard macro for making exponents?

there are no keys for exponents, but you use this ^. its used for online classes.