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The nets are NOT the same.

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Q: How is the net of cube the same as the net of rectangular prism that is not a cube?
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What is a net for a rectangular prism?

a rectangular prism has one net

What is a net for a prism?

a rectangular prism has one net

Why is a rectangular prism net similar to a cylinder net?

Because a rectangular prism has straight edges whereas a a cylinder has curved edges.

What kind of polygon is included in both a net of a triangular prism and a net of a rectangular prism?

trinangleular prism

Net of rectangular based pyramid?

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What does a net of a rectangular prism look like?

thigs that look like a rectangular prism brick and klenex box - thank you :0)

How many rectangles does the net for a rectangular prism contain?


When the net is folded into the rectangular prism shown beside it which letters will be on the front and bottom of the rectangular prism?

The letter on the front will be W. The letter on the bottom will be X.

How do you draw a net for a rectangular prism?

Go to, to see.

Do all rectangular prims have a net?

If you mean prism, the answer is YES. If you meant prim, I have no idea.

How do you make a 2 dimesional rectangular solid?

A rectangular solid is 3-dimensional, but I'm assuming you mean a 2-dimensional representation of a rectangular solid, which is called a net. Do a search for the following: "net rectangular prism" and you will see a drawing of it.

What is the net of a rectangular prism?

Six rectangles. Three pairs of congruent rectangles. Imagine a standard box unfolded. The two ends are the same, the sides are the same and the top and bottom are the same.