1 Mbps is one million bits per second. This is bits, not bytes. KB is often taken as 1024 bytes, rather than 1000; for additional accuracy, you may want to take this into account.
So, assuming a line of 1 Mbps, you can transmit 1,000,000 / (8 x 1024) kilobytes every second, or about 122 KB/sec. For 2 Mbps, multiply this by 2, etc.
To find how long a certain file will take, divide the size of the file by the speed (in KB/sec.). For example, if the file has 244 KB, with the above numbers it should take 244 / 122 = 2 seconds to transfer the file.
There is some additional overhead in file transmissions, which is hard to quantify; in part, it depends on the quality of the internet connection.
1 Mbps is one million bits per second. This is bits, not bytes. KB is often taken as 1024 bytes, rather than 1000; for additional accuracy, you may want to take this into account.
So, assuming a line of 1 Mbps, you can transmit 1,000,000 / (8 x 1024) kilobytes every second, or about 122 KB/sec. For 2 Mbps, multiply this by 2, etc.
To find how long a certain file will take, divide the size of the file by the speed (in KB/sec.). For example, if the file has 244 KB, with the above numbers it should take 244 / 122 = 2 seconds to transfer the file.
There is some additional overhead in file transmissions, which is hard to quantify; in part, it depends on the quality of the Internet connection.
1 Mbps is one million bits per second. This is bits, not bytes. KB is often taken as 1024 bytes, rather than 1000; for additional accuracy, you may want to take this into account.
So, assuming a line of 1 Mbps, you can transmit 1,000,000 / (8 x 1024) kilobytes every second, or about 122 KB/sec. For 2 Mbps, multiply this by 2, etc.
To find how long a certain file will take, divide the size of the file by the speed (in KB/sec.). For example, if the file has 244 KB, with the above numbers it should take 244 / 122 = 2 seconds to transfer the file.
There is some additional overhead in file transmissions, which is hard to quantify; in part, it depends on the quality of the Internet connection.
1 Mbps is one million bits per second. This is bits, not bytes. KB is often taken as 1024 bytes, rather than 1000; for additional accuracy, you may want to take this into account.
So, assuming a line of 1 Mbps, you can transmit 1,000,000 / (8 x 1024) kilobytes every second, or about 122 KB/sec. For 2 Mbps, multiply this by 2, etc.
To find how long a certain file will take, divide the size of the file by the speed (in KB/sec.). For example, if the file has 244 KB, with the above numbers it should take 244 / 122 = 2 seconds to transfer the file.
There is some additional overhead in file transmissions, which is hard to quantify; in part, it depends on the quality of the Internet connection.
1 Mbps is one million bits per second. This is bits, not bytes. KB is often taken as 1024 bytes, rather than 1000; for additional accuracy, you may want to take this into account.
So, assuming a line of 1 Mbps, you can transmit 1,000,000 / (8 x 1024) kilobytes every second, or about 122 KB/sec. For 2 Mbps, multiply this by 2, etc.
To find how long a certain file will take, divide the size of the file by the speed (in KB/sec.). For example, if the file has 244 KB, with the above numbers it should take 244 / 122 = 2 seconds to transfer the file.
There is some additional overhead in file transmissions, which is hard to quantify; in part, it depends on the quality of the Internet connection.
In coding theory, a linear code is an error-correcting code for which any linearcombination of codewords is also a codeword.The block code and its parameters. Error-correcting codes are used to reliably transmit digital data over unreliable communication channels subject to channel noise.
That cannot be calculated without knowing the average speed over that distance.
There have been many estimations of Pi by many scientists over the years. To answser this questions, more information is needed. You might also see the link on the history of Pi.
A structure, usually of wood, stone, brick, or iron, erected over a river or other water course, or over a chasm, railroad, etc., to make a passageway from one bank to the other., Anything supported at the ends, which serves to keep some other thing from resting upon the object spanned, as in engraving, watchmaking, etc., or which forms a platform or staging over which something passes or is conveyed., The small arch or bar at right angles to the strings of a violin, guitar, etc., serving of raise them and transmit their vibrations to the body of the instrument., A device to measure the resistance of a wire or other conductor forming part of an electric circuit., A low wall or vertical partition in the fire chamber of a furnace, for deflecting flame, etc.; -- usually called a bridge wall., To build a bridge or bridges on or over; as, to bridge a river., To open or make a passage, as by a bridge., To find a way of getting over, as a difficulty; -- generally with over.
Use the word with a noun to define what it is over, or about. "He jumped over the fence." "The key is over the door." "They argued over the new tax plan."
The speed of a T1 line is 1.544 Mbps. It is used to transmit data over the Internet or for voice communications. Faster speeds and capacities are obtained through the the deployment of bonded T-1.
The bundles of neurons that transmit impulses over long distances are called nerves. Nerves are composed of axons, which are the long fibers that carry electrical impulses from one part of the body to another.
Serial ports
A telemeter remotely measures things, such as quantity and/or distance. It can then transmit the data long distances over radio frequencies.
morse code
These networks operate at speeds of 90 Mbps
It made it possible to amplify weak radio signals and transmit them over long distances
An optical fiber is an object that can be used to transmit light. It is a flexible, transparent fiber made of glass or plastic that can carry light over long distances without significant loss of intensity.
The neuron has a long, thin tube called the axon which sends an electric nerve impulse very quickly, akin to an electrical cord.