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Couple of ways to do perform this task:


The area of each tile is 18 x 18 inches = 324 square inches.

Calculate the area of the room in Inches:

9 ft (108 in) x 12 ft (144 in) = 15552 square inches.

Take the area of the room, divided by the area of each tile:

15552 sq in/ 324 sq in = 48 tiles.


Determine how many tiles you need to span the width of the room.

9 feet divided by 18 inches is the same as saying 9 feet divided by 1.5 feet = 6 tiles across

Determine how m any tiles you need to span the length of the room.

12 feet divided by 18 inches is the same as saying 12 feet divided by 1.5 feet = 8 tiles across

6 tiles wide x 8 tiles long = 48 tiles.

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