3:00 am
There are 24 hours in a day. Therefore, to convert days to hours, multiply the number of days by 24 to obtain the number of hours.
109.5 days, 109 days and 12 hours , approximately 3 months, 19 days and 12 hours
15 hours : 5 days = 15 hours : 5*24 = 120 hours = 1 hour : 8 hours = 1 : 8 Answer: 1:8
There are 24 hours per day so in 3 days there are 24 x 3 = 72 hours, and at 10 calls per hour that equals 720 calls.
24 hours a day, so 1200 / 24 = 50 days.
1200 hours = 50 days
2 days, 2 hours
24 x 50=1200
There are: 50*24 = 1200 hours
1,200 hours is 50 days.
There are 1200/60 = exactly 20 hours
1 hour = 60 minutes1200 minutes = (1200 / 60) = 20 hours
Three hours.
2 hours and 20 minutes.