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Q: How many half -circles make one full circle?
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How do you make a full circle into a half circle?

Fold it in half.

How do you make a full circle into a half circle in crocheting a hat?

Take the full circle and fold it in half by taking one edge and bringing it to the other side of the circle.

Do 2 semi-circles make a sphere?

Half a sphere, which is a 3D shape, is called a hemisphere. The semi-circles in the question is a 2D shape and will make a circle.

How do you make a project?

area of the circle is half the product of its circumference and radius by coiling method (for 10 circles of different radius).

How are circles made?

simple make a circle

What is periphery of 5 circles in one circle?

If 5 circles are inside the one circle, then the periphery is of the one circle. The periphery depends on the diameter of the one circle. The number of circles inside won't make any difference.

How do you draw cute cartoon puppies?

you draw two circles beside each other and then put three dots in them then you make a triangle above the circles then draw a loop for the tongue and then draw half a circle from one circle to the other then draw some eyes and make some ears.

How many circles does a minute hand make in a day?

The Minute hand makes a full circle of the clock's dial every Hour. Since there are 24 hours in a day, then the Minute hand travels 24 full circles every day.

Is a semi circle regular?

Yes it is. Pie = 3.14 or a half circle is 180 degree's where as a full circle is 360 degrees. I fly small aircraft an we always make incomplete circles, it used everyday in the world with engineers and mathematicians. Each quarter circle is 90 degrees, multiplied by 4 equals 360 degrees which is a whole circle. Hope this helped you. John U.

What does circle have to do with math?

Circle is a shape. We have gotten to know a lot from circles. Because of circles, we get PI, radius, diameter, circumference, and other things. Circles fall into geometry, which is math. We can make many mathematical equations from circles.

How do you draw an X in a square with half circles around the square?

yeah you draw the left half circle first, and at the bottom of the half circle you draw a line (long enough to later fit a square) and connect it to another half circle, which connects back to the top. so now you sort of have a square, but with two sides being half circles. starting on where you were left from the half circle, go down diagonal to make one of the lines in the x, go up to make a side of the square, and then diagonal down the other direction to make the x. then continue by going up and finishing the square. that is possible to do without lifting your pen, or retracing your lines. it might sound confusing here, but i tried to explain it best as possible! good luck (:

Can rainbows make full circles?

The would be if the ground didn't get in the way. If you're on a mountain or high ground looking into a valley, or looking down from an airplane, and the sun is high behind you and the air below you is full of water droplets, then you can see the full circle of the rainbow.