At 1mph, 244 miles will take 244 hours to travel. At 60mph, 244 miles will take 4.0666... hours to travel. At the speed of light, 244 miles will take 1.31 milliseconds to travel.
That depends on the speed.
about 110 because flying monkey take them
1000 km
2.09 hours
114.40 miles.
Given is the calculated distance as well as the driving travel time, which does not take into account driving conditions, traffic, etc. The distance between Clarksville, Tennessee and Carrollton, Kentucky is 231 miles. The resulting travel time is 4 hours.
There are about 77 driving miles between Somerset Kentucky and Lexington Kentucky.
The state of Kentucky has approximately 40,411 square miles.
It is 190 miles according to Google Maps.
800 miles
The driving distance from Kentucky to Atlanta is 368 miles / 593 km.
40,411 Square Miles
650 miles
It is about 2500 miles.
About 300 miles to Louisville.
4179 miles