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The answer depends on whether you start off with a open ended object like a strip of paper of a length of fabric, or a closed object like a loop of paper or a doughnut.

The answer also depends on whether you can stack pieces that you have already cut for the next cut.

For an open ended object and no stacking, you will need 342 cuts.

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Q: How many minimum number of cuts required to get 343 pieces?
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In one sense you cannot. The cakes would have a different number of faces which were part of the original faces. To that extent the pieces will not be identical. If such pieces are considered identical, and if the cake pieces can be stacked before cutting, then 9 cuts will suffice. Without stacking, 12 cuts are required. If the cake can be stacked and cut, and a little wastage (less than 2.5%) is pemitted, then 7 cuts will be enough.

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