Pi cannot be expressed exactly as any fraction (including as a fraction of powers of 10, which is what a decimal fraction is). There are an infinite number of place values in the number 'pi'.
3.14.....if you round it up...this is actually standard...pi actually goes on forever, but this is the standard number for pi.
Pi to 33 decimal places = 3.141592653589793238462643383279502 So, the number 0 is the 33rd digit (of you count the 3 before the decimal place) But, if you count after the decimal place, then it is the number 2.
Different people found better and better approximations. The exact value can only be expressed as the symbol for pi; it has been proven that pi is irrational, in other words, you can't write it exactly as a fraction with integers in the numerator and the denominator. Therefore, you might say that nobody found the exact value of pi, and nobody ever will.
Pi goes on forever. However, most people equal pi to 3.14. Whenever you multiply something by 10, you move the decimal place one to the right. So, in this case, the answer would be 31.4.
circumference = 2 x pi x radius which is the same as pi x diameter so the answer is pi.
the 35th place of pi is 9.
10 points
There are an infinite number of decimal place values. Last year, a Japanese team,using a supercomputer, calculated the value of "pi" out to 4 trillion decimal places.The first seven places after the decimal point are:tenthshundredthsthousandthsten-thousandthshundred-thousandthsmillionthsten-millionths
There are no repeating strings of values in pi.
There are not just 5 place values - there are infinitely many.
PI is an irrational number, which means that its value cannot be expressed exactly as a fraction, consequently, its decimal representation never ends or repeats. So is impossible to list all digits of PI, but i can get a value, enough to, approximately, get correct values: PI = 3.14159265, and so on... Hope be helpful.
Not counting the three in the ones place, there are 100229.
One, in the thirty-second decimal place.
The same as the 8th decimal place of Pi itself.
Every person who has ever used the "value" of pi in a calculation has used an approximation.
Just use 2 x (pi) x radius (pi) values is 22/7 or 3.142