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In order to find radians, you simply have to put Arc Length over Radius.

Radius = 20

Arc Length = 45

45/20 = radians

radians = 2.25

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Q: How many radians is a dog that has been tethered with a 20 foot lead if the length of the path is 45 feet?
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22227 feet This is a right triangle with an angle equal to 13 degrees, and the side opposite that angle equal to 5000 ft (6000-1000). We need to find the hypotenuse (which we will call x) of the triangle (i.e., the length of the trail). Because sin(theta)=opposite side/hypotenuse. Therefore we have: sin(13 deg)=5000/x Solving for x: x=5000/sin(13 deg)=22227 [Be sure that you are using degrees rather than radians; otherwise, you will get a wrong answer. If your calculator is using radians and you don't want to change it, you first need to convert 13 degrees to radians by multiplying 13 by (pi/180).] Using radians, you would do the same as above, but the last line would be: x=5000/sin(13*pi/180)=22227

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12 feet into radians?

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