A cube has 6 sides all of the sides are squares. And a cube also has 12 edges.
Each of its 6 sides is adjacent - to four other sides.
How many sides does a cube have?A cube has six (6) sides.You count with your hands touching all of the sides including the top and bottom.I counted with a square tissue box that is how I answered this question.
All six sides of a cube are congruent. One of the definitions of a cube is "all congruent sides."
A cube has 6 sides all of the sides are squares. And a cube also has 12 edges.
There are 6 sides on a cube.
Every cube has six congruent sides. If it doesn't have six congruent sides, then it's not a cube.
cube has 6 sides and a rectangle has four sides
A cube has six sides and 12 edges.
there are six sides on a ice cube
Yes, all sides on a cube are the same, if they weren't then it wouldn't be a cube.
"6 sides on a cube."
A cube has 6 sides or faces. A cube also has 12 edges and 8 vertices.
A cube has 6 Congruent sides that are equal .