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For example: 9x2-25 = (3x-5)(3x+5) but this only applies to negative expressions it wouldn't apply to 9x2+25

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Q: How the difference of two squares rule can be used to factorise an expression?
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This is a difference of two square, so you can apply the factoring rule for the difference of two squares.

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4x2 - 36 = (2x-6)(2x+6) A very useful general rule is this : - When an algebraic expression is the difference of two squares e.g. a2 - b2 then it factorises into (a - b) (a + b).

What is the rule for factoring the difference of squares?

a squared - b squared = (a+b)(a-b)

What is x squared minus nine?

It factors into (x-3)(x+3) as it follows the difference of squares rule. However, since you gave me an expression and not an equation, I cannot solve this expression beyond this point. If x^2-9=0. Then you can see that (x-3)=0 and (x+3)=0. Thus x=-3, 3.

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The product of a number of factors can be zero only if one of them is zero.So, if a given expression is zero, you factorise it and then, by the above rule, the statement is true if any one of the factors is zero. You therefore set each factor equal to zero to find the different possible solutions.

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the rule u follow is called order of operations

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