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The volume would be reduced by a factor of 64.

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Q: How would the volume of a cube be affected if the length of each edge were divided by 4?
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You cannot: given only the volume, there is no way to determine the length, or width or height. If you double the length and halve the width you would still have the same volume.

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No, The volume of the cube would be the length multiplied by the length multiplied by the the length. Volume=Length X Length X Length (of a cube) V=L^3 The proof of this involves some work, but I'm assuming you don't want the proof behind this.

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The density of the cube is calculated by dividing the mass of the cube by the volume of the cube. The volume of a cube is given by the formula side length cubed, so the density of the cube would be mass (g) divided by side length (cm) cubed.

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Yes, density is defined as the mass of an object divided by its volume. So, to find the density of an object, you would divide its mass by its volume.

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Volume = width x length x height Width = Volume / length / height So if you had a box with volume 60cm (cubed), height 4cm, and length 5cm, the width would be 60/5/4 = 3 (60/5 = 12 then 12/4=3 - so the width would be 3cm)

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What would have happened if objects had no density?

Density is simply mass divided by volume, so that would mean either that the object has zero mass, or that it has a huge extension.Density is simply mass divided by volume, so that would mean either that the object has zero mass, or that it has a huge extension.Density is simply mass divided by volume, so that would mean either that the object has zero mass, or that it has a huge extension.Density is simply mass divided by volume, so that would mean either that the object has zero mass, or that it has a huge extension.

What is the side length of a cube with a volume of 2744 mm3?

When dealing with cubes, we can assume that each side is equal in length. So, to solve for the volume, you would use the formula:Volume = (length of a side)3To find the length of a side of a cube, you would simply take the cube root of the volume.length of a side = cuberoot(Volume) = (Volume)(1/3) = (2744)(1/3) = 14mm

How many millimetres in a millilitre?

You cannot associate these directly as one is in volume and one is length. Volume is length cubed. If you meant millimetre cubed, then the answer would be 1000.